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Get started with the submission
Get started with the submission

- The entire process from A to B

Thomas avatar
Written by Thomas
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Read this guide in four steps on how to get started with the submission

1. Appoint a submitter

The board should come to an agreement on who will carry out the submission. This can change from year to year.​

Read more about how this works in practice here.

2. Prepare for the submission

When the association submits for the first time, the process involves more work because everything must be entered and uploaded from scratch. However, in the following years, it becomes easier, as only changes need to be reported.
For the first submission, the association should have everything ready for reporting. If you have this ready, filling out the submission won’t take long. In subsequent years, only changes/updates need to be submitted.

3. Complete the submission

The submission process includes a checklist of items you need to go through. Before an item is completed, it will have a red warning sign next to it. Once an item is finished, it will have a green checkmark. Go through each item one by one until you have green checkmarks all the way down.

The submission consists of two parts:

  1. On behalf of the association: Everything concerning the association.

  2. On your behalf: Everything concerning each individual board member.

4. The process from the submitter to the other board members

  1. The submitter completes the submission on behalf of the association and themselves, then signs it. After that, the other board members are invited by email and SMS.

  2. All other board members must complete their own section, review the submission, and sign it.


Everyone must sign every year. Remember, you are signing off on what has been uploaded in the submission. The submitter is just one person, so it's important to help each other review what has been uploaded to allow for any necessary changes. If incorrect information is submitted, the financial institution may reject the submission, leading to additional work.

Help with the submission

Throughout the submission process, there is guidance available. Read all texts and click on the small question marks for additional help. Relevant help articles are also linked within each section of the submission.

It’s also a good idea to keep our help page handy. You can search for questions or keywords in the search bar or browse through different categories.

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