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How to remove a board member from the board?
How to remove a board member from the board?

When a board member needs to be removed, it must be formally reported through a submission so the bank can be notified.

Thomas avatar
Written by Thomas
Updated over a week ago

Since members cannot remove themselves from the board, another board member must complete the process on their behalf.

This is done within the submission process. If the removal happens mid-year and not in connection with a general meeting, a new submission must be started.

Important: If the submission is already in the signing process, it must be stopped.

How to remove a board member (3 steps):

  1. Go to the "Persons" section in the checklist within the submission.

  2. Click "Remove" next to the relevant person.

  3. Complete the submission with all required signatures.

The removed board member does not need to take any action. The removal takes effect once the last board member has signed.

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