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What is Virk and why does the association need to be registered there?
What is Virk and why does the association need to be registered there?

All associations (with a bank account) should be registered with the Danish Business Authority.

Katrine avatar
Written by Katrine
Updated over a month ago

When you have an association that needs to be linked to a financial institution, the association must have a CVR number. You create a CVR number with the Danish Business Authority on their website,

However, it is not a requirement for voluntary associations to have a CVR number. But if the association is to receive subsidies from, for example, the municipality, it must have both a CVR number and a Nemkonto (a Danish digital payment account).

We recommend checking at least once a year to ensure the association's data with the Danish Business Authority is correct. If the association has changed its phone number, email, or address, this should be updated there. It is this data that we, the financial institutions, and other potential partners use publicly and actively.

If you do not log into with the association's CVR number for three years, the CVR number will be deactivated. You can always go back and activate it again.

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