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Business volume
Thomas avatar
Written by Thomas
Updated over 3 weeks ago

For specific questions about how to fill out the business volume, you should contact your financial institution.

Concrete instructions

Since procedures vary between financial institutions, Unioo cannot and must not provide detailed guidance on the individual points of the business volume. Therefore, you are referred to your financial institution.


Red flags will appear at the financial institution if the actual business volume deviates too much from what you report. They are required to act on such discrepancies. It is therefore important that you take the time to calculate how the upcoming year is expected to look.

New and established associations

For an association that is already well-established, filling out the business volume is more straightforward since past years' experiences can be used as a reference.

For a new association, it can be difficult to determine the exact business volume, including whether cash will be used at all. However, since financial institutions must be aware of this due to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws, it is important that you do your best to provide a reasonable estimate.

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