The list of Danish financial institutions collaborating with Unioo for the associations' mandatory data reporting is long—and it's growing. There are good reasons for this:
Unioo is a leading expert in data security, which is crucial when sensitive data must be reported online. This is why financial institutions trust that their customers' data is handled securely when Unioo assists associations in submitting data to the financial institution.
Unioo is 100% Danish, and all data is securely stored on servers in Denmark and the EU. When you take a picture of your ID cards via the link sent by the system, the image is not stored on your phone but is immediately encrypted and securely saved for the financial institution. All other data is also stored encrypted and securely.
Photo: Morten Degn
Stricter Legal Requirements
The new requirements from the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and Data Protection Agency regarding increased customer due diligence have presented Danish financial institutions with an immense task. Fortunately, Denmark is home to thousands of associations—we are a true nation of associations. However, collecting data on this scale is something most financial institutions are not equipped for, especially without having to increase costs for association customers.
Unioo's Contribution to Problem-Solving
The idea for our reporting tool came naturally to us when we saw the challenges both financial institutions and associations faced due to the stricter regulations in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing. It was clear to us that this was a problem we needed to help solve. That’s why we now not only provide our board management tool but also assist associations with reporting to financial institutions. This ensures everything is fully compliant with the current regulations, providing peace of mind for everyone involved.
Our reporting tool is designed to save board directors in associations both time and money. We’ve made it as user-friendly as possible, so both digitally savvy individuals and those who prefer to avoid the digital world can navigate it with ease. There are instructions and help articles along the way. With the tool, the entire reporting process can be completed from home on a computer—or even just with a smartphone. This includes entering the association’s data, uploading documentation, and completing approval and digital signatures.
The people behind Unioo have extensive experience with association work, and in our volunteer efforts, we felt there was a need for an online platform where all board activities could be consolidated. This led to the creation of Unioo and the features the system offers today. However, we are constantly coming up with new ideas to improve it further and to introduce new functions, particularly as a result of listening to the thousands of associations we are in regular contact with.
Photo: Morten Degn