Forgot your password?
If you’ve forgotten your password, you can send yourself a reset link from the login page and create a new one.
First, check:
That you’ve remembered to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.
That Caps Lock isn’t accidentally turned on.
That your password meets the requirements: at least 8 characters, including numbers and both uppercase and lowercase letters.
That your email address is correct and spelled properly.
If none of these tips work, you can reset your password.
Not receiving the reset email?
If you’ve just requested it, the link might be on its way. (Wait a moment.)
Check your spam filter and other email folders (spam/junk/promotions/social).
Use your email program's search bar to look for "Unioo."
Your email address might be incorrectly registered in the system. If you’re a board member, another board member can check your contact information from their account. Contact Unioo if it needs to be updated.
For regular association members, the association can check the email under the member’s profile in the member list (look under the gear icon).
If none of the above works, feel free to contact us.